Thursday, June 25, 2009

Let's Have a Baby

Once Shawn and I had been married for about 3 years, we decided that we were ready to have a baby. . .or so we thought.  We both were in education and just LOVED kids, we knew we wanted to be parents.   Our first adventures in baby began after about a year of trying, with no luck.  I visited my doctor and he decided to check my fallopian tubes and during surgery he found they were kinked--- so he unkinked them and thought that our problems were solved.
Well, another year went by and no baby.  So I visited a specialist in Joplin, Dr. Tyrone Adcock.  He began running a battery of tests on Shawn and I.  He could not find anything specifically that was preventing me from getting pregnant.  He conducted another surgery and found I had endometriosis and during the difficult surgery, I lost a fallopian tube and right ovary.  I was very sad after this surgery and so was my doctor.  I was already having trouble having a baby, and now half of my reproduction parts were gone forever.  
The doctor suggested that we visit a fertility doctor in Tulsa.  Shawn and I made an appointment immediately.  We visited the doctor and were told that we could try invetro and would have a 60% success rate.  I know that 60% is actually high in the infertility world, but in my world, it just was not good enough.  From that moment on, Shawn and I knew that adoption was the road for us.  
(Before we were told probably no kiddos, we attended our first evening church service, in years, and a man from Missouri Baptist Children's Home spoke to us about adoption.  What a God moment--- I know that God brought us to church that night to plant the seed of adoption). 

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